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Is my corgi overweight?

dog health tips -

Is my corgi overweight?

Everyone wants their dog to live a long, healthy life. But how do you know if your pup is on the chunky side?

It can be hard to tell because many dogs are overweight but don’t really show it. Plus, there’s no one “perfect weight” for every breed of canine out there.

That leaves pet parents with some tough decisions: Do I feed my dog less food and see what happens? Or do I feed him more food and hope that he doesn’t gain any more weight? What about exercise – should he have less or more of that? And what about treats – should they be given as often or not at all? If only someone would give me the answers!

Well, actually, your vet can shed light on all these questions. Consult with your dog’s doctor to get a professional opinion before adjusting how much you feed Fido or what kind of exercise schedule he gets. That way, you can keep him healthy and at a good weight for his breed and age.

Your vet will thoroughly examine your furry friend and assess his body condition – how much fat is on him and where. She’ll also check for any underlying health conditions like Cushing's syndrome or diabetes as these can lead to weight gain.

Weight isn’t the only factor in determining whether a dog is overweight; you need the whole picture. That’s why it’s important to bring in your vet for the final word.

Vets also recommend consulting with them before drastically changing what or how much you feed your pet. And they can offer expert guidance on whether your pup needs less food (and therefore more exercise) or more (and perhaps fewer calories).

In some cases, increasing your pet’s activity can help him shed pounds. But in others, even with less food and more exercise, your pup may not lose weight. That means it’s time to reach out to your veterinarian.

So don't hesitate – consult with the doctor before determining if Fido is overweight. She'll give you the final word on how much he weighs and what kind of diet he needs. You’ll then have peace of mind that your dog gets just the right amount of food, exercise, and attention to stay healthy for years to come!

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