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How to get a dog to roll over

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How to get a dog to roll over

Dogs are perhaps the most popular pet in the world, and for good reason. They are loyal, friendly, and always happy to see us. They also make great workout partners, as they need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. One trick that many dog owners want to learn is how to get their dog to roll over on cue. It may seem like a difficult task, but with a little patience it can be easily accomplished.

How to get a dog to roll over

Training your dog to roll over is not as difficult as it may seem. With a little patience and some treats, your pet can be rolling over in no time!

The first step is to get your dog used to the idea of rolling over. Start by holding a treat in one hand and then slowly bringing it up to your dog's nose. As soon as your dog takes a bite of the treat, say "rollover" in a firm voice and put the treat on the ground. Once your dog has rolled over, give them the treat and lots of praise.

Repeat this exercise several times per day until your dog begins to roll over automatically when you say "rollover". Once your pet has mastered this behavior, you can try to move the treat out of their line of vision slightly. This will make them turn further over in order to get the treat, which is an even more difficult task.

After your dog has mastered rolling over on cue, it's time to work on getting your pet to do so when you issue the command "rollover". Start by saying the word just before they roll over. If they do not respond, give them a gentle nudge with your hand and then praise them when they get it right. Keep doing this until your dog rolls over at the command alone. You may need to issue the command several times before you get a response, but once your pet understands what they are supposed to do, they will roll over immediately when you ask.

Rolling over is not the only trick that dogs can learn. With some patience and dedication, your pet can be trained to do many other things as well, including sitting up or playing dead. By training your dog similar tricks in succession, you can have them performing a whole routine in no time!

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