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The Smartest Dogs In Order - Which Dog Breed is the Smartest?

The Smartest Dogs In Order - Which Dog Breed is the Smartest?

Each dog breed has their own unique set of characteristics, but some breeds are just smarter than others. Keep reading to find out the smartest dogs in order. Which one do you think will be the smartest?

The different types of dog breeds and their levels of intelligence

There are a variety of dog breeds, each with their own unique set of characteristics. However, some breeds are just smarter than others. Keep reading to find out the smartest dog breeds and their levels of intelligence.

#1 - Border Collie

The Smartest Dogs In Order - Border Collie

One of the smartest dog breeds is the Border Collie. These dogs are known for their intelligence and skills when it comes to herding livestock. They are able to learn commands quickly and obey them without hesitation.

Their intelligence and obedience make them a great choice for families who are looking for a smart dog that they can train. Border Collies are also active dogs who need plenty of exercise, so make sure you have enough space for them to run around in.

The Border Collie was developed in the early 19th century in the Cheviot Hills of Northumberland and Scotland. They were originally bred to drive livestock to market, and today are still used for herding sheep. The Border Collie is a very versatile breed, and is also used as a working dog in many other capacities, including search and rescue, drug detection, and assistance to the disabled. Border Collies are considered one of the most intelligent breeds of dog, and excel at obedience and agility trials. The breed is also known for its intense stare, or "eye", which is used to herd livestock.

#2 - Poodle

The Smartest Dogs In Order - Poodle

Poodles are another breed of dog that is known for their intelligence. They are quick learners and can be easily trained to do tricks. Poodles are also hypoallergenic, which means they don't shed as much as other breeds of dogs.

This makes them a great choice for families with allergies or who don't want to deal with a lot of shedding. Poodles come in different sizes, so you can choose one that is the right size for your family.

The Poodle is an old breed of dog that is thought to have originated in Germany or France. It is believed that the Poodle was used as a hunting dog in those countries, and that the breed was later brought to England, where it was used to hunt waterfowl. The Poodle is also said to have been used as a circus dog in England, and it is thought that this is where the breed got its distinctive “poodle clip” haircut. The Poodle was first recognized as a breed by the English Kennel Club in 1874, and the American Kennel Club followed suit in 1886.

Today, the Poodle is a popular companion dog, and it is also used in a variety of other roles, including as a working dog, a show dog, and a therapy dog. The Poodle is a intelligent breed that is easy to train, and it is also known for being loyal and affectionate. The Poodle comes in three size varieties: Standard, Miniature, and Toy.

#3 - German Shepherd

The Smartest Dogs In Order - German Shepherd

German Shepherds are another smart breed of dog. They are loyal and protective, which makes them great guard dogs. They are also intelligent and easy to train. German Shepherds need plenty of exercise, so they are not a good choice for families who live in small apartments.

#4 - Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds. They are known for their friendly personalities and their intelligence. Golden Retrievers are easy to train and make great family pets. They need daily exercise and plenty of space to run around in.

#5 - Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinschers are another smart breed of dog. They are loyal and protective, which makes them great guard dogs. They are also intelligent and easy to train. Doberman Pinschers need plenty of exercise, so they are not a good choice for families who live in small apartments.

#6 - Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds. They are known for their friendly personalities and their intelligence. Labrador Retrievers are easy to train and make great family pets. They need daily exercise and plenty of space to run around in.

Why intelligence levels matter in dogs

Intelligence levels matter in dogs because it affects their trainability. The smartest dog breeds are often the easiest to train because they are able to understand and follow commands better.

When choosing the smartest dog breed for you, it is important to consider your own lifestyle and needs. For example, if you are looking for a guard dog, then a Doberman Pinscher would be a good choice. If you want a family-friendly pet, then a Golden Retriever would be a better option. Ultimately, the smartest dog breed for you is the one that best fits your lifestyle and needs.

How to train your dog

If you want to train your dog, you need to be patient and consistent. Start by teaching your dog basic commands, such as sit, stay, come, and down. Be sure to use positive reinforcement when your dog follows a command, such as treats or verbal praise.

If your dog is having trouble learning a command, try breaking it down into smaller steps. Once your dog has mastered a step, move on to the next one. Be persistent and don't give up on your dog. With patience and consistency, you can train your dog to do just about anything.

Doggy IQ tests – can your dog ace them all??

Dogs are known for their intelligence, so it's no surprise that there are a number of IQ tests designed specifically for them. Can your dog ace them all?

The smartest dog breeds, according to most IQ tests, are the Border Collie, Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher and Labrador Retriever. These breeds are able to learn commands and obey them quickly. They are also intelligent enough to do tricks.

If you're thinking of getting a dog and want one that is smart and easy to train, then one of the breeds on this list would be a good choice. However, keep in mind that any breed of dog can be trained if you are patient and consistent.

How to keep your dog mentally stimulated

Dogs need mental stimulation just as much as they need physical exercise. Without mentally stimulating activities, dogs can become bored and destructive.

There are a number of ways to keep your dog's mind active. One way is to give them puzzle toys, such as the Kong Classic Dog Toy. These toys challenge your dog to figure out how to get the treats inside. Other mentally stimulating activities include playing fetch, going for walks in new places, and learning tricks.

Mentally stimulating activities are important for all dogs, but they are especially important for smart dog breeds. The smartest dog breeds often require more mental stimulation than other breeds because they get bored easily. If you have a smart dog breed, be sure to provide them with plenty of opportunities to stay mentally challenged.

Tips for living with a smart dog

If you have a smart dog, congratulations! You have a dog that is intelligent and easy to train. However, living with a smart dog also comes with some challenges. Here are a few tips for living with a smart dog:

- Be prepared to spend more time training your dog. Smart dogs require more mental stimulation than other breeds, so they need to be trained more often.

- Keep your dog mentally challenged with puzzle toys and activities such as fetch and walks in new places.

- Be patient when training your dog. Smart dogs learn quickly, but they can also get bored easily. If you lose patience, your dog will likely lose interest in whatever you're trying to teach them.

- Be consistent with your commands. Smart dogs are quick learners, but they can also be stubborn. If you are consistent with your commands, your dog will eventually learn what you expect of them.

Living with a smart dog can be challenging, but it is also rewarding. These dogs are intelligent and easy to train, so you can feel proud of your furry friend. Just be sure to give them plenty of opportunities to stay mentally stimulated, and you'll both be happy.

FAQs about canine intelligence

Q: What is the smartest dog breed in the world?

A: The smartest dog breed in the world is the Border Collie, according to most intelligence tests.

Q: Is intelligence the only thing that matters when choosing a dog breed?

A: No, intelligence is not the only thing that matters when choosing a dog breed. You should also consider your own lifestyle and needs when selecting a breed. For example, if you are looking for a guard dog, then a Doberman Pinscher would be a good choice. If you want a family-friendly pet, then a Golden Retriever would be a better option.

Q: Can any breed of dog be trained?

A: Yes, any breed of dog can be trained if you are patient and consistent. However, some breeds are easier to train than others. The smartest dog breeds, such as the Border Collie, Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher and Labrador Retriever, are often the easiest to train because they are intelligent and able to understand and follow commands quickly.


Different breeds of dogs come with different levels of intelligence, as well as a number of other traits that might be more or less important to you. When considering your options, think about what kind of dog best suits your lifestyle and personality! If you have any questions about the smartest dogs in order, drop us an email at for help getting started on picking out the perfect pup for you!

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